Hi i’m Simon,
staying more than 10 years and 6 month every year on Bali Island. People which traveling to Indonesia, often ask me about the seasons and the best time for traveling / surfing on Bali. So in this Blogpost, i want to share my long experience with everyone for both seasons, rainy- and dry season.
I start with November. Please scroll down to see the other month.
Raining Season – Wet Season
Raining Season or Wet Season starts from November until April. No worries, its not raining for 6 month. It more says, that it could sometimes rain in this time period. Bali’s raining season is not a Monsun season.
Average year round temperature is around 28°C, only the humidity is changing from season to season and month to month.
November conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
As it didn’t rain for more than 6 month, Bali is very dry in November on the south side. Almost all trees are without leafs and everything looks more brown than green. Its very hot in November and all would be more than happy if it would rain.
North side of Kuta:
The north side of Kuta is more green than the south side, with rain forrest’s, rice fields, big mountains and volcanoes.
The clouds getting stuck by the mountains and bring more rain showers to this area. So in November rainfalls can be possible already. Mostly its raining at night on Bali and done after a hour. So its more like a nice refresh at night.
Dangers in November!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In November it is still very dry, so Malaria and Dengue Fever are not really a big thing in this month.
Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. I recommend you to use a shirt the first days for surfing.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in November!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“November is one of my favorite month on Bali. The crowd for surfing getting less and conditions turning very good and often glassy. As its not raining yet, November is a very hot month. Bali is a very good holiday destination before winter time“
Surfing conditions in November
The surfing conditions are really good, the offshore wind on the west coast is not that strong anymore and glassy conditions are offered some mornings. As the strong offshore wind on the west coast drops down, also the east coast gets good again for surfing. The big swells also getting less and conditions are almost always fun. From 1ft – 4ft (70cm – 2,5m). Many say in November its kind of low season in Bali and the crowds are getting less. For my opinion, Bali is too famous now, and there are no more low seasons for surfing. But if it is no wind and small waves, all the spots in the south coast from Uluwatu – Nusa Dua are very good and not really crowded.
December conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In December also the south side of Bali gets some rainfalls at night. Mostly little rain clouds which bring a nice refresh. At the end of the month, around Christmas and New Years Eve, also strong rainfalls can be possible. Still mostly at the evening or night time. Often there are still weeks without any rain in December.
The first rainfalls are waking up nature and makes all trees and plants green again. From mid December the south of Bali is looking like a topical paradise.
If it was raining at night, the air is very fresh and clear in the morning. You will see very far and even sometimes the big volcanoes. During daytime the sun is shining without one cloud at the sky and it is getting very hot and humid.
North side of Kuta:
The north side of Kuta gets rain already almost every night. At daytime it is sunny and often without any cloud. So its getting very sticky and humid during daytime. Also days and nights without rain are not rare and possible.
Dangers in December!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In December Malaria and Dengue Fever starting to become little bit more popular cause of the rain. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
Dirty water:
As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the ocean can become brown and dirty of rubbish. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in December!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“For those who want to escape winter time and relax in the tropics, Bali is in December a good destination. If you are easy with little rain showers sometimes, not expecting always world class waves for experts, just want to slow down, read a book, realax and surf smaller waves, you are on the right island for your December holidays“
Surfing conditions in December
December is not that consistent for surfing. The Wind turns onshore sometimes on the west coast and brings rubbish and driftwood to the beaches. After a long and strong rain at night, the water at some beaches like Balangan, Dreamland, Canggu, Seminyak becomes dirty and brown. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
But December its a very good month for surfing beginners, which don’t need the perfect wave and conditions. The waves are small and not really powerful, the water is very warm and its not that busy in the water.
Experts need to search a little bit for a good wave. If the waves are small and the wind not strong, i can recommend all spots at the south of Bali. From Uluwatu – Nyang Nyang – Greenbowl – Gunung Payung – Pandawa – until Nusa Dua.
In December, the season of glassy no wind surf starts. So also in December are very good world class surfing conditions possible.
January conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In January Bali looks very green and gets often rainfalls at night. Sometimes the whole night until morning. Rain is coming more in weeks. If its a rain week, its raining every night. It is also possible, that it doesn’t rain for a whole week. During daytime it is often blue sky and very hot. Sometimes a storm and hits Bali. A storm can also bring rain for 2 days in a row. A storm on Bali is just strong wind, no hurricane or tornado.
North side of Kuta:
On Bali’s north side its similar as on the south side in January. Compared to the south its more raining on the north and more cloudy. The clouds often stuck at the high volcanoes.
Dangers in January!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In January you have to take care of Malaria and Dengue Fever. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
Storms and Thunderstorms:
In January, storms and thunderbirds are possible. As everybody should know to go out of the water and inside a house on a thunderbird. The storms on Bali are not really strong. But after a storm, wood and leafs can lie on the street. So take care if you are driving around with your motorbike.
Dirty water:
As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the ocean can become brown and dirty of rubbish. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in January!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“For those want to escape winter time and relax in the tropics, Bali is in January also a good destination. If you don’t mind to chill and wait until the rain is finished, surf in smaller and sometimes windy conditions, you should still consider Bali for your winter holidays“
Surfing conditions in January
The surfing conditions in January are not very consistent. A few flat days are possible on most spots. Spots like Uluwatu still offer waves then, but unfortunately often with onshore wind. The good thing in January, if the conditions are not that good, you can surf sometimes on your own. As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the water can become brown and dirty of rubbish. The surf spots on the east coast are still good to surf and offer offshore wind. If its a west swell, its often very small on the east coast. But if the swell turns more south / south west, conditions getting very good on the east coast. If the waves are small and the wind not strong, i can recommend all spots at the south of Bali. From Uluwatu – Nyang Nyang – Greenbowl – Gunung Payung – Pandawa – until Nusa Dua.
Beginner surfer can find very good conditions to learn and improve the first basics in January. The waves are small, not really powerful and the water is very comfy warm…
February conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In February, its the same as in January. Bali looks very green and gets often rainfalls at night. Sometimes the whole night until morning. Rain is coming more in weeks. If its a rain week, its raining every night. It is also possible, that it doesn’t rain for a whole week. During daytime it is often blue sky and very hot. Sometimes a storm hits Bali. A storm can also bring rain for 2 days in a row and very bad windy weather. A storm on Bali is just strong wind, no hurricane or tornado.
North side of Kuta:
On Bali’s north side its similar as on the south side in January. Compared to the south its more raining on the north and more cloudy. The clouds often stuck at the high volcanoes.
Dangers in February!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
As it’s still raining season in February, Malaria and Dengue Fever are still popular. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
Storms and Thunderstorms:
In February, storms and thunderbirds are possible. As everybody should know to go out of the water and inside a house on a thunderbird. The storms on Bali are not really strong. But after a storm, wood and leafs can lie on the street. So take care if you are driving around with your motorbike.
Dirty water:
As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the ocean can become brown and dirty of rubbish. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in February!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“February its the same as in January. For those want to escape winter time and relax in the tropics, Bali is in February also a good destination. If you don’t mind to chill and wait until the rain is finished, surf in smaller and sometimes windy conditions, you should still consider Bali for your winter holidays“
Surfing conditions in February
The surfing conditions in February are not very consistent. A few flat days are possible on most spots. Spots like Uluwatu still offer waves then, but unfortunately often with onshore wind. The good thing in January, if the conditions are not that good, you can surf sometimes on your own. As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the water can become brown and dirty of rubbish. The surf spots on the east coast are still good to surf and offer offshore wind. If its a west swell, its often very small on the east coast. But if the swell turns more south / south west, conditions getting very good on the east coast. If the waves are small and the wind not strong, i can recommend all spots at the south of Bali. From Uluwatu – Nyang Nyang – Greenbowl – Gunung Payung – Pandawa – until Nusa Dua.
Beginner surfer can find very good conditions to learn and improve the first basics in February. The waves are small, not really powerful and the water is very comfy warm…
March conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In March the rain is getting less. Often it’s not raining anymore for a few days and nights. It depends from year to year. In some years it was also raining a lot in March, so there is no guarantee. In daytime, its for sure a blue sky on the south side of Bali. The south Peninsula is looking very green now and Bali its a real tropical paradise. Rain showers are normally only at night possible.
North side of Kuta:
The north side gets still more rain as the south and cloudy days can be possible. But also on the north of Bali its sometimes not raining for a few days and nights in March. Of course as always, its hot and a green looking tropical paradise.
Dangers in March!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
As it is still raining in March, Malaria and Dengue Fever are still possible. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
Storms and Thunderstorms:
In March, storms and thunderstorms are possible. As everybody should know, go out of the water and inside a house on a thunderstorm. The storms on Bali are not really strong. But after a storm, wood and leafs can lie on the street. So take care if you are driving around with your motorbike.
Dirty water:
As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the ocean can become brown and dirty of rubbish. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in March!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…
Special: Nyepi Day / Silent Day in March
Every year in March is Bali’s Nyepi Day or in englisch, silent day. It is not every year on the same day, often at the end of the month. On Nyepi day, the balinese people believe to dislodge bad spirits from the island Bali.
The young generation of every area building, constructing and designing awesome figures called Ogoh Ogoh.
One night before the silent day, all groups come together and show their Ogoh Ogoh a jury with traditional Gamalan music, traditional dance and traditional story. They also carry the figure trough the streets and show it to the spectators. The figures look kind of scary, the music is very loud and everything is magic, so the bad spirits go away from the island. On the next day, Bali is maybe the most quite place on earth. Even there are people living everywhere. The airport of Bali is closed on that day, so no airplane is landing or leaving Bali. All streets, beaches, restaurants, bars, shopping malls, just everything is empty and quite.
When it is getting dark, no light is allowed. On whole Bali you can’t see even one light, everything is turned off and quiet. The balinese people believe, when everything is dark and quite, the bad spirits cannot find Bali anymore and stay away. Its a very special and nice experience to be that day on Bali.

“March is a very nice month on Bali. The rain is getting less and only rainfalls at night are possible. Everything looks very green and fresh. The surfing conditions are very good with often no wind and medium size waves. So worlclass surfing days in a tropical surrounding are sure in March on Bali. One of the best month for surfing beginners. At the end of the month, Bali’s silent day offers you a very special experience“
Surfing conditions in March
March offers often very good surfing conditions without any wind. The swells are still not that strong and consistent yet. Still some flat / small days are possible as well as windy days. But if it wasn’t raining at night time, very glassy morning surfs offer world class conditions. All spots in Bali are surf able in March, sometimes offshore at the West coast and sometimes offshore at the east coast. March is very good to see all beaches and drive to different spots for surfing. My advice is just to jump in if you are on a nice spot, it can happen that you drive around the whole island without any surf or a shitty surf at the end. March offers very good surfing conditions for all surfing levels. Experts can get Barrels and very glassy dream surfs, beginners can learn in easy and smaller waves.
April conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
It can still rain in April, but only at night time. Normally its not raining anymore at daytime in April. Last year it wasn’t raining at all in April. You might see only some clouds in the morning moving by, but don’t bring rain. In daytime its getting a blue sky as always. April is a very humid and hot month, because raining season is coming to the end. Its a very popular and very liked month. Bali looks green, no more rain and surfing conditions are getting really good.
North side of Kuta:
The north side also can still get some rainfalls only at night time. But much less than the month before. I wouldn’t say its not raining at daytime anymore. Also rainfalls during the day can still happen.
Dangers in April!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
As it is still raining sometimes in April, Malaria and Dengue Fever are still possible. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
Storms and Thunderstorms:
In April, storms and thunderstorms are possible. As everybody should know, go out of the water and inside a house on a thunderstorm. The storms on Bali are not really strong. But after a storm, wood and leafs can lie on the street. So take care if you are driving around with your motorbike.
Dirty water:
As very strong rain and wind can be possible at night, the ocean can become brown and dirty of rubbish. I don’t recommend to go surfing than, you could get sick of the water. Often the water gets cleaned up again after a day. Most locals clean up the beaches from rubbish and driftwood.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in April!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“April is a very popular and very liked month. The rain is gone and the landscape is looking very nice and tropical. April is one of the best month for traveling to Bali. The only thing is, its very humid and hot“
Surfing conditions in April
In April the conditions are similar to March. Just more consistent and bigger swells are possible. On some days its already offshore wind on the west coast and very good surf. In April you can get everything. Glassy surf, offshore surf, onshore surf and unfortunately still some flat and very windy days are possible. You have to focus more on all spots at the west coast, the good surfing days on the east coast getting less in April. In total, April is a very good month for surfing. Especially intermediate surfers can get often very nice head high waves to practice. Of course experts and beginners will also find many waves which fit and bring you the Bali smile.
Dry Season on Bali
Dry season is from May until end of October. In dry season, the vegetation is getting brown and trees loosing their leafs. Its not raining for 6 month and temperature feels colder cause of the dry air and offshore winds. The offshore winds and consistent swells offer world class surfing conditions everyday. Dry season is high season on the island Bali.
May conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
May is a very nice month on Bali. Its not raining anymore and everything looks very green. In May the wind, offshore winds picking up and bring a little very welcome breeze during daytime. Its warm, no rain, green and just before high season starts.
North side of Kuta:
Also the north of Bali gets no rain anymore.
Dangers in May!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
Also in May Malaria and Dengue Fever is possible. Both are more on the north part of Bali, but you can’t be sure. Since my ten years, i only know 5 people who got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in April!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“In May its not raining anymore and offshore winds bring a little breeze during daytime, as well as very good surfing conditions on the west coast. A popular month with tropical landscape and good consistent surf“‘
Surfing conditions in May
Everyday offshore winds during daytime, bring very good surfing conditions to the west coast. The season of almost everyday perfect surfing conditions just started. From now you only need to check wave size and tides. As only the spots on the west coast work, it can get very busy. You have to hope for a good swell with a lot of waves in a set. So you will surf a lot of waves. It gets mad if the set brings only 2 or 3 waves for 100 surfer. Swells picking normally up in May and first world class conditions with Barrels everywhere are possible. As Bali offers surfing spots for every surfing level, light intermediate and beginners have to look for spots like Jimbaran on a very big day. Its also advisable to just stop surfing for a day and watch the professionals. In Bali, mostly big swells are done after 2 days. But most of the month, surfing conditions are head high and surf able for everyone.
June conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In June the climate changes a little bit. Vegetation gets dry and trees starting to loose leafs. The offshore wind can bring a nice cold breeze, especially in the morning. Water temperature is getting colder and some use already a neoprene vest for surfing early morning. At night time, the air cools down to a very comfy feeling temperature. In some Junes the last years, it was raining a bit sometimes at night time.
North side of Kuta:
Vegetation on the north side is still very green and tropic as always. Some rainfalls can still happen at night time to bring a nice cool down.
Dangers in June!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In June the danger of Malaria and Dengue Fever is getting to zero. Malaria and Dengue isn’t really bad on Bali, since my ten years im only knowing 5 people got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in June!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“June is similar as May, a very nice month. Its not raining anymore and offshore winds bring a little breeze during daytime, as well as very good surfing conditions on the west coast. June is between the seasons and often not that crowded. Many Hotels offer you low season prices in June“‘
Surfing conditions in June
The offshore winds during daytime, bring very good surfing conditions to the west coast everyday. You only need to check wave size and tides. As June is between the seasons, its kind of low season and the crowds can get less a little bit. As the swells are getting very consistent with many waves, everybody in the lineup can get a lot of waves. Also cleanup sets are possible to mix up the crowd. The swells are getting more powerful and world class surfing days are sure on your holiday. Only the spots on the west coast work good. The east coast is often too windy with onshore. If a swell hits Bali, of course the spots at the east coast also have waves. You might check the forecast or drive there to check. You could get maybe also nice waves there without many people, as all surfing crowd of Bali is around the west coast. Bali is now an amazing surfing paradise with unbelievable consistent surfing conditions everyday.
July conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In July the vegetation is looking already dry and more brown than green on the south side of Bali. The offshore wind can bring a nice cold breeze, especially in the morning. Many surfer use a neoprene vest for surfing early morning. At night time, the air cools down to a very comfy feeling temperature. In July it is not raining.
North side of Kuta:
It is also not raining on the north side of Bali. Temperature is getting comfy and the winds bring a nice breeze.
Dangers in July!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In July the danger of Malaria and Dengue Fever is getting to zero. Malaria and Dengue isn’t really bad on Bali, since my ten years im only knowing 5 people got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in July!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“In July it is not raining anymore. World class surfing conditions are offered everyday. It is high season and very crowded on Bali.“
Surfing conditions in July
The offshore winds during daytime, bring very good surfing conditions to the west coast everyday. You only need to check wave size and tides. As the swells are very consistent with many waves in July, everybody in the lineup can get a lot of waves. Also cleanup sets are possible to mix up the crowd. The swells are getting more powerful and world class surfing days are sure on your holiday. Only the spots on the west coast work good. The east coast is often too windy with onshore. Bali is now an amazing surfing paradise with unbelievable consistent surfing conditions everyday.
August conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In August the vegetation is looking dry and more brown than green on the south side of Bali. The offshore wind bring a nice cold breeze at night and daytime. Especially in the morning many surfer using a neoprene vest for surfing. At night time, the air cools down to a very comfy feeling temperature. In August it is not raining.
North side of Kuta:
It is also not raining on the north side of Bali. Temperature is getting comfy and the winds bring a nice breeze.
Dangers in August!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In Agust the danger of Malaria and Dengue Fever is getting to zero. Malaria and Dengue isn’t really bad on Bali, since my ten years im only knowing 5 people got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in August!
In August you might happy for a light sweatshirt in the evening. You should consider that. A real sweater you may need in the morning while driving with a motorbike, same as in all other month. As a surfer i would take my neopren vest with me. Especially in the morning it can get colder in the water. During daytime, only board short is enough.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“In August it is not raining anymore. World class surfing conditions are offered everyday. The offshore wind makes also a very nice feeling temperature at the evening. Some using a light sweatshirt at nighttime. It is high season and very crowded on Bali.“
Surfing conditions in August
August is maybe the most famous month for surfing on Bali. Its the time period for the surfing contest in Padang Padang and the big swells are expected. The offshore winds during daytime, bring very good surfing conditions to the west coast everyday. You only need to check wave size and tides. As the swells are very consistent with many waves, everybody in the lineup can get a lot of waves. Also cleanup sets are possible to mix up the crowd. Beginners and intermediate surfers should know their skills before going out in August. Sets, double the size are on some days possible and can bring you in a dangerous situation. The swells are powerful and world class surfing days are sure on your holiday. Only the spots on the west coast work good. The east coast is often too windy with onshore. Bali is an amazing surfing paradise with unbelievable consistent surfing conditions everyday in August.
September conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In September the vegetation is looking dry and more brown than green on the south side of Bali. The offshore wind bring a nice cold breeze at night and daytime. Especially in the morning many surfer using a neoprene vest for surfing. At night time, the air cools down to a very comfy feeling temperature. In September it is not raining.
North side of Kuta:
It is also not raining on the north side of Bali. Temperature is getting comfy and the winds bring a nice breeze.
Dangers in September!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In September the danger of Malaria and Dengue Fever is getting to zero. Malaria and Dengue isn’t really bad on Bali, since my ten years im only knowing 5 people got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in September!
In September you might be happy for a light sweatshirt in the evening. You should consider that. A real sweater you may need in the morning while driving with a motorbike, same as in all other month. As a surfer i would take my neopren vest with me. Especially in the morning it can get colder in the water. During daytime, only board short is enough.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“In September it is not raining. World class surfing conditions are offered everyday. The offshore wind makes also a very nice feeling temperature at the evening. Some using a light sweatshirt at nighttime. It is high season and very crowded on Bali.“
Surfing conditions in September
The offshore winds during daytime, bring very good surfing conditions to the west coast everyday in September. You only need to check wave size and tides. As the swells are very consistent with many waves, everybody in the lineup can get a lot of waves. Also cleanup sets are possible to mix up the crowd. Beginners and intermediate surfers should know their skills before going out in September. Sets, double the size are on some days possible and can bring you in a dangerous situation. The swells are powerful and world class surfing days are sure on your holiday. Only the spots on the west coast work good. The east coast is often too windy with onshore. Bali is an amazing surfing paradise with unbelievable consistent surfing conditions everyday in September.
October conditions on Bali
South side of Kuta:
In October the first rainfalls can go down already at night. Normally it is not raining in October yet. It is getting humid and very hot again after a few month without rain.
North side of Kuta:
On the north side, some rainfalls can go down at nighttime also. It is humid and hot.
Dangers in October!
If you thinking to drive a bike on Bali, please be aware of the sand and dirt, which is on the street after a strong rain. Especially in a curve, its one of the most happened accidents on Bali. If you fall with your bike and have open wounds, your holiday is done. Wounds don’t heal in Bali cause of humanity. If it is strong raining, just wait until the rain is done. Be aware of standing water on the streets.
Malaria and Dengue Fever:
In October the danger of Malaria and Dengue Fever is getting to zero. Malaria and Dengue isn’t really bad on Bali, since my ten years im only knowing 5 people got Dengue. I don’t know someone got Malaria on Bali. I just want to inform you that both are on Bali, so you should contact your doctor or tropical institute for more information and their recommendation.
The Sun:
The sun on Bali is very strong all year round. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on you, before going outside in the morning. Most people use sunscreen once they at the beach. Its a often made mistake, especially when you are driving around with your bike. Your arms and legs getting for sure sunburned after only a half a hour.
The hottest time of the day is 2pm – 5pm. For surfing i recommend to use a shirt the first days.
The hospitals on Bali like BIMC are very good and offer a western standard. Just don’t forget to make an travel insurance, as the hospitals are very expensive.
What to bring traveling in October!
I would recommend you to bring only two sweatshirts. One which you might use on the airplane and one in your luggage. You will not need them, only if you are going around by bike very early morning.
Less is more, shirts and shorts for a week is enough. On 30°C, you might be very happy for every kilo you don’t have to carry around. On Bali are everywhere Laundries, which wash your cloth on a day for a few cents.
I only can recommend you 30 to 50+ sunscreen which is water resistant. The sun is all year round very strong. Don’t stay too long at the sun. The hottest time of the day is around 2pm – 5pm.
Passport and money:
The most important, traveling to Indonesia / Bali, is your Passport. Be aware it is still valid for more than 6 month. They won’t let you in, even if you are already standing on Denpasar airport. I recommend you to bring around 200 Euros/Dollars with you, which you can easily exchange at Bali. ATM’s (Cash Machines) are everywhere to get money with your credit card. The fee is 50.000 Rp (3€/$). At the most ATM’s you get a maximum of 2.000.000 Rp per withdrawal.
Don’t bring too much money to the beach. 200.000 Rp / person are more than enough to buy beers, food, drinks and parking. If you have a camera, mobile phone or a lot of money with you at the beach, the safest place on every beach are the locals selling something in their Warungs ( Shops/Restaurants). Just give your bag to them and for exchange buy something from their shop.
Never put your bag with expensive things just somewhere, also don’t lock it in your motorbike… it will be gone for sure.
Medicine / Travel Pharmacy:
Just bring your standard travel pharmacy with you. The most important medicine you might need is disinfection spray. I can recommend Octanisept. If you have a small wound or cut, always clean it up with fresh water and put disinfection on it. Try to keep it dry. Don’t put any cream or plaster on it, it will not heal and gets infected. Doing it strict for 2-3 days you will be fine.
Bali Pharmacies are very good and you can buy every medicine there…

“In October some rainfalls can go down at nighttime already. Surfing conditions are still world class everyday. After no rainfalls for a few month, it is getting humid and very hot again. A very dry looking month, it didn’t rain for 4 – 5 month“
Surfing conditions in October
The surfing conditions in October are still very good. Still good and consistent swells hitting Bali. The water temperature is getting warmer again. The offshore winds still offer perfect waves everyday on the west coast. In October every surfing level finds the perfect wave. Big days are possible as well as very small and fun waves. If the wind drops down on some days, the spots on the east coast can work also.
If you don’t know yet where to stay on your holidays, why you don’t have a look at our Surfcamp Bali.
Spent an awesome time with others from all around the world, go surfing with professionals and improve your skills in a save and very relaxed surrounding. Would be awesome to have you at Kamafari Surfcamp Bali.
I wish you an awesome holiday on the tropical paradise Bali. Take care…
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